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Akwaeke Emezi is a literary force to be reckoned with. Their work has not only captivated readers worldwide but also become a beacon of representation for Nigerian transgender individuals. Here are just a few ways Emezi’s writing has championed Nigerian trans visibility:

Trans stories at the Forefront:
Unlike many narratives, Emezi’s novels, especially “The Death of Vivek Oji” “Pet” and “Freshwater” place transgender characters at the centre of the story. Their journeys and experiences become the driving force of the narrative. Emezi doesn’t shy away from portraying the complexities of being transgender within a Nigerian social context. Their characters grapple with societal expectations while navigating their identities.

Empowerment and Identity:
Emezi’s work both in literature and in their music validates trans identities and lets them know they are not alone. This can be especially important for young people who might be struggling to understand their own gender identity. In 2023, they featured the trans icon Fola Francis in their In The Mood” music video and had this to say after her passing “Last October, II flew to Lagos and asked Fola Francis to star in this music video. I wanted to celebrate her for that blinding spirit she had, for her generosity to her community, for the hope she gave so many people as a trans woman living so loudly in an impossible city in an impossible country. Today marks thirty days since we lost her. I’ve been crying all morning because like the rest of us queer and trans Nigerians, she deserved better than this world. I am endlessly grateful that she said yes to this project and that we have this record of her in her loveliest element, dancing with the people she loved. I am so glad that I got to meet her, to hug her, to hear her laugh. When I got the news that we’d lost her, I spent several hours that night cutting this video myself, into the small devastated hours of the morning, looking at her face, her face, her face. I don’t know how to process grief except through art. I don’t know what to offer except the work. So this is for everyone who loved Fola, who danced with Fola, who found new possibilities in how she lived her life, blazing and brilliant.”

Respectful Representation:
They always stand for respectful representation at all times. An important instance was when they were asked for their “sex by law” after being nominated for the women’s prize and they said this “Forget about me – I don’t want this prize – but anyone who uses this kind of language does not f*** with trans women either … It’s fine for me not to be eligible because I’m not a woman! But you not about to be out here on some ‘sex as defined by law’ like that’s not a weapon used against trans women.”

Emezi’s impact goes beyond the page. Their international recognition brings Nigerian transgender stories to a global audience, fostering empathy and understanding. But Emezi’s contributions don’t stop there. Their work continues to pave the way for more Nigerian transgender voices to emerge, enriching the literary landscape and inspiring the next generation of storytellers.

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